Camalou, 2000
Delousing Station, Dickebusch Lake
"Everytime we come out of the trenches the company has a big cootie hunt...
Every man throws in a tuppence...and the man who finds the biggest one wins.
The only consolation one has is the knowledge that they are no respecters
of rank, file or station in life" Lt Kenneth Gow, 107th MG Company
Training for the Hindenburg Line
Training for the attack on the Hindenburg Line
Tank close-up
Sept 29, 1918
Artillery, Sept 29th, 1918
St. Quentin Canal Tunnel, Sept 29, 1918
Prisoners, Ronssoy, Sept 29, 1918
Prisoners, Ronssoy, Sept 29, 1918
Maj. Gen. O'Ryan & Col Ward
Above photos: Feldbin Collection
Guard duty
Division Show, Aug 8, 1918

Postwar photo of officers of an unknown battalion of the 105th Infantry
We are comparing the photo with known pictures of 105th officers to try and further identify this photograph
Photo courtesy of Michael Gilbert, Brussels, Belgium
Living Insignia of the 27th Division, a post war image formed by over 10,000 unit members.
Donated by Nancy Hudson and Family

Many of the most famous 27th Division photographs were taken by Captain Edward N. Jackson, assigned to the 27th Division as its official photographer. His work can be seen here
Other vintage pictures can be found on, or linked to, the VETERAN'S PAGES