Fred Pierce (on left in both pictures) at "Camp VanCortland", VanCortland Park, NYC

1917 War Bond Drive pamphlet

Farewell Parade Pass

Farewell Parade of the NEW YORK DIVISION

"The camp colors. The arrow points to
Major General O'Ryan's tent
with the guard in front"
from note on rear of postcard

Regimental Colors and Band at Camp Wadsworth
Gas Mask training at Camp Wadsworth

Fred Pierce (standing, 2nd from left) with squad at Camp Wadsworth

Sgt Clinton B. Higgins calling roll

Guard mount at Camp Wadsworth

G Company Thanksgiving menu

Christmas card from Camp Wadsworth

Trenches at Camp Wadsworth

The guardhouse at Wadsworth, know as "THE BULLPEN"

On the troopship bound for France. Pvt. Pierce is directly above the white "X"

Training in France
G Company 1st. Lt. with French officer

Regimental Order 898 authorizing the wearing of a wound strip for Pvt 1cl. Pierce

Clipping from a NY paper listing Fred Pierce as wounded in action

News photo of Fred Pierce (center, at desk) at Debarkation Hospital No. 5 in NYC

Fred Pierce (left) at hospital in Oswego, NY


Enlistment Record (reverse side of Discharge)

Statement of Service certificate