From 27th DIVISION SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS IN THE WORLD WAR American Battle Monuments Commission, U.S.G.P.O., 1944
During the night of September 24-25, the 27th Division relieved the British 18th and 74th Divisions, British III Corps, 4th Army, opposite the Hindenburg Line, west of Bony. Command passed to the 27th Division on the morning of September 25. Since the British III Corps had failed to secure the designated line of departure for the general attack against the Hindenburg which was to be launched on September 29th, The American II Corps, composed of the 27th and 30 Divisions, was given the mission. The 27th Division was ordered to make the necessary advance on September 27th..
At 5:30 a.m., September 27th, the 106th Infantry attacked the general line, Bois de Malakoff - The Knoll, as its objective. The advance was made, but the gains could not be held. The net result was a small gain on each flank. The 53rd Infantry Brigade (105th and 106th Infantry) was relieved by the 54th Infantry Brigade (107th and 108th Infantry) during the night of September 27th - 28th.
The mission of the II Corps, in the general attack of September 29th was to secure the objective, Nauroy - Gouy. Upon reaching this line, the Australian Corps was to pass through the II Corps and continue the attack. The 27th advanced against the Hindenburg Line in column of brigades with the 54th Infantry Brigade leading¹. The resistance offered by the enemy strongpoints in Gillemont Ferme, Quennemont Ferme and on The Knoll seriously impeded the progress of the 27th Division. The Australian units advanced to effect the passage of lines about 11 a.m. and, together with troops of the 27th Division, took Quennemont Ferme and continued until checked in the main enemy position south of Bony. The Knoll was taken in hard fighting and held against counterattacks. Guillemont Ferme was not taken. Troops of the 53rd Infantry Brigade, intended to be used for exploitation, became engaged in the fight. Small parties of the leading waves worked forward to the canal. The latter part of the day was devoted to consolidation of the positions and reorganization of the troops.
 Aftermath of the 27th Division's attack at Guillemnet Farm, September 29, 1918
The Australian 3rd Division prepared to renew the attack on September 30 in the zone of action of the 27th Division, and in the early morning hours of the 30th assumed command of the front. Elements of the 27th Division remained in action on this day and assisted in the attack against the main line of resistance of the Hindenburg Line.
The Australian Corps continued the advance and reached the vicinity of Montbrehain, 15 km southwest of St. Souplet, where the American II Corps relieved it by placing the 30th Division in line. This division attacked on October 8 and advanced on this and successive days until St. Souplet was taken on October 11.
After being relieved by the Australians, the the 27th Division assembled in the Péronne area on October 2. It was in corps reserve during the attack by the 30th Division which began on October 8. On the 12th the 27th Division relieved the 30th Division along the line, Vaux - Andigny - St. Souplet - St Benin. The British 6th Division, British IX Corps, was to the right, and the British 50th Divison, British XIII Corps, to the left. Until October 17 the activities of the division were limited to patrolling and adjustments of lines. The 30th Division entered the line to the right of the 27th Division on October 16.
On October 17 the division attacked with brigades abreast with the line, Jonc deMer Ferme - Le Roue Ferme as its first objective, and a line of exploitation near Catillon. At the close of the first day's fighting the division stood on the general line of the road north of L'Arbre deGuise. The attack was renewed the next day, and the front line was advanced to a general north - south line through Jonc de Mer Ferme. With the British 25th Division now to its left and the American 30th Division still to its right, the 27th Division again advanced on October 19 to a general north - south line through La Jonquière Ferme. The division was relieved on this line by the British 6th Division on October 21. Upon being relieved it moved to the rear of the line in corps reserve, and later, army reserve. On October 23 the division began to move to the Corbie area where it remained until after the Armistice.
¹ The attack was launched at the designated hour, 5:30 a.m.. Because of the failure of the British III Corps to secure the designated line of departure and the subsequent failure of the 106th's attack on September 27th, the infantry started it's attack 1 kilometer in the rear of the rolling barrage, which permitted the enemy machineguns in the three main strongpoints of Guillement Ferme, Quennemont Ferme and The Knoll to maintain a heavy fire on the attacking forces from the opening of the attack. The mist, low clouds and smoke from the barrage also interfered with observation and maintenance of direction. Tanks assigned to support the infantry suffered mechanical failure or were blown up in the wire by landmines or shellfire. Only one of the 39 tanks assigned to the attack made the advance to its initial objective. Because of these factors, the 107th Infantry suffered the largest number of single day casualties of any regiment in the U.S. Army in any conflict; 1,062 of which 349 were listed as K.I.A. Total 27th Division casualties for the Somme Offensive, September 21 - October 24 were officially listed as 6,873 of which 3,076 we taken on September 29 - October 2.
