We are committed to doing as accurate a portrayal of the typical infantryman of the 27th Division in the Great War. We are portraying our unit in the Fall of 1918 on the front line in the British sector, which allows our impression to vary slightly from man to man as field conditions allow based on documentation. We must have the proper impression or we are not doing justice to the brave men in the New York National Guard who gave their all. It is our goal to honor the 27th division by being, as much as possible, an "O'Ryan Roughneck." Clicking on a highlighted item will link to a detailed view of that item. For additional views and text use the links at the bottom of the page.
(Primary item (A) may be replaced by the secondary item (B) or, in some cases, by the additional item. Check first)
1) Helmet, with correct WWI liner as issued: NO INSIGNIA
A. British Brodies Pattern 1917
B.American M1917
2) Small Box Respirator (gas mask), useable and complete, with bag
A. British Issue
B. American Issue
3) Coat, service, wool, M1917 or 1918: no shoulder insignia, discharge, wound or overseas stripes or rank insignia unless authorized
A. American
B. British Army Tunic with U.S. buttons (trench item only)
4) Breeches M1917 or trousers, straight leg M1918, wool
A. American issue
B. British issue
5) Puttees, wool, pair
6) Shoes, field service
A. American issue, russet, roughout
B. British issue, black
7) Insignia, collar disk, pair
A. U.S.N.G & Infantry/107/A
B. U.S. & Infantry (crossed rifles)
C. any combination of the above, including variants
8) Haversack, M1910, with meatcan pouch (view 1)(view 2)
9) Meatcan (mess kit) M1910, with knife, fork & spoon, M1910
10) Canteen with cup and cover, M1910
11) Pouch, first aid packet, M1910
12) Belt, cartridge, dismounted, M1910 or
13) Rifle, SMLE Mk. III or Mk. III* with The US M-1907 leather sling (or British web sling)
14) Bayonet, P1907 with scabbard and P 08 frog or U.S. M1917 bayonet scabbard
1) Shirt, wool
A. American issue, wool, o.d.
B. British issue, wool, grey
2) Overcoat, wool, od, M1917 or M1918
3) Jerkin
4) Cap, overseas
A. American with U.S. or N.Y. collar disc
B. British
5) Entrenching tool with carrier, M1910
6) Wire cutters
There are many other items of issue or private purchase that may be used or worn in the field. If in doubt refer it to the authenticity officer who may be reached via this site.
In this unit we all live and play by the same rules. Do not expect to receive an exception on a questionable item. Do not be of the mindset "it's close enough so I'll use it or "the guy I bought it from said it's OK to use." You'll get burned every time. Take the time to learn about your uniform and equipment; how things are used and why.
Unit members are required to meet grooming standards based on US Army regulations for the period. Hair is to be worn short, i.e. off the collar in back and not over the ears. Mustaches must be trimmed so as not to extend over the upper lip and not past the corners of the lips. You must be clean shaven. This was a matter of life and death as it effected the proper fitting of the gas mask.
